This privacy policy informs about the purpose, scope and terms of the personal data processing, as well as the rights of the data subject (“User”) arising from the use of the website (“Website”) and registration in it.


Personal data of Users is processed in accordance with applicable law – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (“Regulation”), as well as other legal acts governing data processing and the right to privacy.


1. Contact information of Data Controller


The controller of personal data is SIA “Findbex”, reg.No. 40203401485 (“Controller”).


The contact information of the Controller is:


2. Purpose and legal basis of processing of personal data


The Controller processes the User’s personal data that the User provides when registering on the Website, and which the Controller collects when the User browses, uses or applies for other services of the Website and which is limited to what is necessary for provision of services.


Personal Data is processed on the basis of contract to which the User is party or in order to take steps at the request of the User prior to entering into a contract (Article 6(1)b of the Regulation) with the following purposes:


●        Provision of services for which User has agreed;

●        Processing of payments for the purpose of delivery of services.


When User requests information or submits other inquiries which implies provision of additional personal data, such data will be processed on the basis of User’s consent. The Website will process User’s personas data for direct marketing purposes based on its legal interests.


3. Recipients of personal data

Users’ personal data are processed by the Controller’s employees and contractors who are authorized to work with personal data and are properly trained. Such persons process the User’s data only for the purposes indicated above.

We do not disclose User’s personal data to third parties, except:

•         When such personas data processed to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of provision of services to which the User has agreed and within the process or services which third parties provides to the Controller and which are vital for the Website functionality and includes mmaintenance and improvement of the Website;

•         according to the clear and undeniable consent of User;

•         to persons provided for by regulatory enactments in the manner and amount established therein;

•         in cases provided for by regulatory enactments for the protection of legitimate interests.

The service providers that provide us with services that include the processing of Users’ personal data, belong to the following categories: payment system operators, banking services, website hosting and maintenance, IT planning, development and management.

The Controller guarantees and ensures that such third parties process the User’s data in accordance with the agreement concluded between the Controller and such third party and requirements contained therein, as well as that the Controller always cooperates only with reliable partners who ensure compliance with data protection laws and regulations.

The Website may contain links to third party websites that have their own privacy and personal data processing policies. Please read their privacy policies before use. The Controller is not responsible for third party policies, the availability or reliability of the services provided, or the accuracy or completeness of their content.


Personal data provided is not transferred to third countries and/or international organizations.


4. Storage of personal data

Personal data will not be retained for longer than is necessary for the fulfilment of those purposes for which it has been required, and subject to appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to ensure both integrity and security of such information.

After this period, the personal data of the Users will be permanently deleted or anonymized.

We store the received personal data until:

•         Data is necessary for the purpose for which it was obtained;

•         The User or the Controller can exercise their legitimate interests in the manner prescribed by regulatory enactments (for example, to file objections or to initiate legal proceedings);

•         There is a legal obligation to store personal data (for example, data related to payments for purchased goods or services);

•         User’s consent to the corresponding processing of personal data is valid unless there is another legal basis for the processing.


Users’ personal data is stored in accordance with the following rules and criteria:


–          data collected for the conclusion and performance of contract for the services, including payment data: will be stored and processed in order to fulfill the contract, as well as for as long as is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the relevant regulatory enactments;

–          data of registered Users: will be stored for as long as the User has an account registered on the Website;

–          data collected in connection with the newsletter subscription or direct marketing purposes: will be stored until the User unsubscribes from the newsletters or objects to the processing;

–          data related to User requests to our customer service: will be stored until the User request is fulfilled.


In addition, with respect to certain personal data of the User, the Controller has a legal obligation to keep this data even after the User’s account is no longer registered on the Website. In this case, the Controller retains only the data that is necessary and only for the purpose of complying with its legal or regulatory requirements, resolving disputes, preventing fraud and abuse of the Website.


5. Cookies


The Website uses cookies. Cookie is a small text file that is sent to User’s computer or mobile device when User visits the Website and saved by the Website on the hard drive afterwards. Cookie acts as a memory for the Website, allowing it to remember User’s computer or mobile device the next time User visits. Cookies are used to increase the functionality of the Website and to make it easier to use.


Some cookies are important for the operation of the Website, so the use of cookies may affect its functionality. The use of such cookies does not require the User’s consent. Such cookies include:

·       authentication cookies

·       technical cookies required by certain IT systems

·       security cookies, which are used to detect authentication abuses and are associated with functionality explicitly requested by the user for a limited and permanent period of time

·       load balancing session cookies for the duration of a browser session.

Necessary and functional cookies used on the Website:


To authenticate a User when it logs in to the Website.
To authenticate a User when it logs in to the Website.
Helps WooCommerce to determine when shopping cart content/data changes.
Helps WooCommerce to determine when shopping cart content/data changes
Contains a unique code for each customer that knows where in the database to find the cart data for each customer.
2 days
To provide respective features on the Website.
To retain cookie consent preferences.
1 year
To ensure identification of reliable web traffic.
1 year
To retain User preferences for ad delivery and retargeting.
6 months
To collect Website statistics and track advertisers rates.
1 month
To retain cookie consent preferences.
1 year
To retain User preferences and other information, e.g. preferred language, the number of search results seen on the page, and whether or not the User wants to enable the Google SafeSearch filter.
7 minutes
To retain language preferences.
1 year
To check whether the browser accepts cookies.
Analytical and advertising cookies

The Website uses analytical and advertising cookies which are placed by third parties – Google Analytics, Google maps, Google tag manger, Google reCAPTCHA. These cookies are used to analyze Website usage, to measure and improve performance.


To provide us with its services, third parties use the following personal data: online identifiers, including cookie identifiers, internet protocol addresses and device identifiers; client identifiers.

By using third-party cookies, Website has no control over the information provided by the cookies and does not have access to this data. The Website only receives anonymized information.

User can agree or disagree to the usage of analytical and/or advertising cookies by the Website.


Google Ads optimization
2 years
Google Ads optimization
2 years
Google Ads optimization
2 years
Google Ads optimization
2 years
Google Ads optimization
2 years
To ensure fraud prevention
2 years
Google Ads optimization
2 years
Google Ads optimization
2 years
Google Ads optimization
2 years
Google Ads optimization
2 years
To help customize User ads on Google services, e.g. Google Search.
6 months
To provide summarized analysis of Website visitors.

Rights of Data Subject

The User have the right to request from the Controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing, to object to processing as well as the right to data portability. Where the processing is based on User’s consent, User has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If the User has reason to believe that the Controller violates the rights of the User specified by law or these rules on data processing, the User has a right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority.

We will make commercially reasonable efforts to provide the User with reasonable access to any of his/her personal data we maintain within 1 month as of receipt of User’s access request.

To ensure safety and privacy protection, we will take appropriate measures to verify User’s identity before disclosing information about the requested personal data.